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bing ile 2 nokta arasindaki band genisligi tahmini


İyinet Üyesi
Onaylı Üye
10 Mart 2008
Reaction score
tam güvenilir bir sonuc vermesede. bind programi ile bir yakin ve digeri uzak olmak sarti ile 2 nokta arasindaki band genisligini tahmin edebilirsiniz.

bing yakinhost uzakhost

örnek test:
bing localhost www.web.de
BING localhost.localdomain ( and www.web.de (
44 and 108 data bytes (1024 bits)
www.web.de: minimum delay difference is zero, can\\\'t estimate link throughput
www.web.de: 30.118Mbps 0.034ms 0.033203us/bit

seklinde ciktiyi alinca STRG+C ile programi sonlandirip.

--- localhost.localdomain statistics ---
bytes out in dup loss rtt (ms): min avg max std dev
44 4314 4314 0% 0.027 0.040 1.389 0.030
108 4314 4314 0% 0.024 0.028 1.414 0.027

--- www.web.de statistics ---
bytes out in dup loss rtt (ms): min avg max std dev
44 4313 4313 0% 6.893 7.375 30.401 0.537
108 4313 4313 0% 6.852 7.419 42.109 0.725

host bandwidth ms
warning: rtt big localhost.localdomain 0.025ms < rtt small localhost.localdomain 0.028ms
www.web.de 12.962Mbps 6.881

baglanti genisligimiz 12.962Mbps olarak tespit edilmistir


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